Kerry Greyhound Connection

Fostering Application Form

Fostering Process


A Foster Home is the first important step in rehabilitating greyhounds because many will never have known affection or a home environment before in their lives.

A Foster Home is our first chance to see the real nature of a dog, this helps us make the best choice of home for them, and any problems they might have can be addressed.
Please complete this form in as much detail as possible.
It does not take long and it might also help you consider what is important to you.

Your Name:

Are you over 18: Yes No

House number or name:
Post Code:

Email address:

Where did you heare about us? If it was the internet - which site?:

Have you ever owned a dog? As a child As an adult Never

Have you owned a grehound before: Yes No

Do you have any dogs now? If so please give details:

What happened to your dog(s):

Would you prefer your foster dog to be: Male Female Don't mind

If you are suitable, would you like to care for more than one foster dog at a time? Yes No

Is your home a: House Bungalow Flat Other
If other please give details:

Are you:
If other please give details:

If you live in private rented accommodation, we may ask to contact your landlord to confirm that your tenancy agreement allows pets.

Do you have a fully enclosed garden? Yes No
Height at the lowest point:

If NO, can your garden be enclosed? Yes No

Who lives with you?
Names of other adults:

Names of children and their ages:

Other pets? Please give details:

If you have, or have had animals before, which veterinary practice do/did you use? Are you happy for us to contect them about you if we wish to?

Do any young children visit your home regularly? If yes, what age/s are they and how frequently do they visit?

Approximately how often and for how long will a foster dog be left at home on its own at a time?

Approximatel how much exercise would you give your dog?

Have you or anyone in your family or household ever been convicted of abusing or being cruel to an animal? Yes No

Are you planning any of the following? If so, please give details
A holiday in the next few weeks:
A house move:
Change of working hours:

Do you have or have you had, any health issues or conditions which may affect the type of dog you feel would be suitable for you?

Is there any other information which would be useful to us?

Agreement : Please read the Notes and click the 'Accept' button if you agree to these terms:
I accept these Terms Accept:

Date of application:
