Kerry Greyhound Connection

  Adoption Application Form 

Adoption Process


We are dedicated to finding the very best forever homes for retired racing greyhounds. We provide ongoing support and encouragement to all of our families and hounds.
Please complete this form in as much detail as possible.
It does not take long and it might also help you consider what is important to you.

Your Name:

Are you over 18: Yes No

House number or name:
Post Code:

Email address:

Where did you hear about us? If it was the internet - which site?:

Have you ever owned a dog? As a child As an adult Never

Have you owned a greyhound before: Yes No

What happened to your dog(s):

Would you prefer your dog to be: Male Female Don't mind

Most of our dogs tend to be between 1 and 5 years of age, although occasionally we rehome older dogs. Do you have an age preference?

If you don't already own another dog, would you like to be considered for two greyhounds, to be companions for each other?

If needed, are you willing to travel to meet and collect your greyhound?

Is your home a: House Bungalow Flat Other
If 'Other', please give details:

Are you:
If 'Other', please give details:

if you live in private rented accommodation, we may ask to contact your landlord to confirm that your tenancy agreement allows pets.

Do you have a fully enclosed garden? Yes No
Type of fencing - wall, etc:
Height at the lowest point:

If NO, can your garden be enclosed? Yes No

Who lives with you?:
Names of other adults

Names of children and their ages:

Other pets? please give details

If you have, or have had animals before, which veterinary practice do/did you use? Are you happy for us to contect them about you if we wish to?

Do any young children visit your home regularly? If yes, what age/s are they and how frequently do they visit?

Approximately how often and for how long will your dog be left at home on its own at a time?

Please note: if you work, this does not automatically mean that you are unsuitable to rehome a grehound

Approximatel how much exercise would you give your dog?

How active are you? Very: Reasonably: Not Very:

Have you or anyone in your family or household ever been convicted of abusing or being cruel to an animal? Yes No

Who will be the owner of the dog?

Are you planning any of the following? If so, please give details
A baby:
A holiday in the next few weeks:
A house move:
Change of working hours:

I would like my greyhound to:
Get on with children: Very important: Fairly important: Not Important:
Be good with cats: Very important: Fairly important: Not Important:
Be good with other dogs: Very important: Fairly important: Not Important:
Travel well: Very important: Fairly important: Not Important:
Be able to be let off lead: Very important: Fairly important: Not Important:
Be good in a town/city: Very important: Fairly important: Not Important:

Do you have or have you had, any health issues or conditions which may affect the type of dog you feel would be suitable for you?

If you have already had a homecheck from another rescue, please give the details here (including the approximate date) as we may not need to do another homecheck.

Do you have a timescale in mind for adopting a dog?

Is there any other information which would be useful to us?

Agreement : click the 'Accept' button if you agree to these terms:
I understand that if I rehome a dog he/she is to be rehomed as a house pet and is not to be kenneled or chained up. He/she will be a companion and not a guard dog or a racing or hunting dog. Kerry Greyhounds UK will retain overall ownership of the dog and reserves the right to reclaim the dog if it is not being fed, housed or cared for to their satisfaction. Should I ever need to find another home for the dog, I will consult Kerry Greyhounds UK about this before making any other arrangements for the dog.
I understand that although Kerry Greyhounds UK will provide all relevant information about the dog, a complete history is not always available:
I accept these Terms Accept:

Date of application:



Kerry Greyhounds UK

operates through a network of volunteers to rehome greyhounds and other sighthounds in the UK